Mission-critical priority
Compared to its industry peers, an American multinational Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company rates “low market share” in Indonesia due to inefficiencies in supply chain distribution network. The Head of Supply Chain turns to Lagrange for help optimizing their warehousing and transportation operations.
How Lagrange helped
The client:
• Brainstormed with Lagrange on a roadmap for data integration and reducing distribution network cost, including additional environmental KPIs.
• Leveraged process mining algorithms and optimization module of the Lagrange Platform to automate supply chain big data processing and optimized the distribution network.
• Achieved validated improvement proposals, including defining product flows, optimizing the facility locations, and balancing warehousing and transportation costs.
Business impact
With support from Lagrange, the client:
• Redesigned the supply chain distribution network, enhancing 10% market shares.
• Automated supply chain big data processing, which equated to a $200K cost savings (2 supply chain and data analysts).
• Optimized warehousing and transportation operations, reducing carbon footprint by 20% and total annual costs by 28% or $3M.